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The #1 Way You Can Help People Living With ALS

As the largest fundraisers of The ALS Association - DC/MD/VA Chapter, the Walks to Defeat ALS® fuel our ability to deliver Care Services that improve the lives of people living with ALS.  Join the thousands of Walkers who are spreading awareness, raising funds for Care Services and bringing hope to people living with ALS.

  1. Find the Walk closest to you
  2. Create a team 
  3. Invite your friends to join you.  

If you have any questions or just want to talk, don't hesitate to call:

Kerry Graves 301-978-9855 x 204 or

Salisbury Walk - April 16, 2016

Virginia Beach - April 16, 2016

Western Maryland Walk - June 4, 2016

Roanoke Walk - September 25, 2016

Baltimore Walk - October 1, 2016

Richmond Walk - October 22, 2016

DC Walk - October 29, 2016