2024 Ride to Defeat ALS - Post Event Survey


User Response

10/02/2024  I primarily used Facebook but didn't get as many donations as I expected.
09/30/2024  User Provided No Response
05/07/2024  The new online portal is much easier to use and setup for social media.
09/30/2024  The fundraising campaign was pretty easy to set up and tie into Facebook. I thanked people directly through Facebook comments. The area to track and thank donors on the ALS fundraising page, itself, was a bit complicated and I couldn't figure it out.
08/14/2024  I made personal flyers, including a QR Code folks could scan that would take them directly to my personal fundraising page. I also set up a table, which included a donation jar, at our local Farmer's Market for a couple Sundays, to interact with people.
05/06/2024  It was easy with the team page, but it WAS a bit confusing with how we have individual pages and a team page...I was directing people to the team page, while my sister was directing people to her page and not the team page...
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
10/01/2024  User Provided No Response
10/02/2024  Minimal experience.
05/06/2024  The event site is not the easiest to use. I tried to search for my team, but it never showed up even though I knew it was created. It was also hard to figure out how to direct donors. I feel like I'm pretty computer savvy, but still found it challenging t
08/07/2024  The fundraising was a bit harder than some of the previous fundraisers I've worked for. Getting to the site and working with the tools was more difficult and the app didn't integrate as well as I'd hoped.
10/02/2024  I used mostly social media and sent out my link to my fundraising page to others that don't have social media.
08/10/2024  Had more team members fundraising than in past years
10/01/2024  My fundraising started in June when Steve Lopez asked me to participate in a 200 mile DIY ALS ride for Hope which was a feeder event to the Sept. Ride. In Sept. I posted my ride on Facebook and received appx. another $1K.
08/11/2024  I wish there was some instruction on how to set-up the FB site for fundraising. I thought I did it right... but all the money went into my husband's, and none went into mine. So that created ALOT of stress on me not being able to participate.
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
08/05/2024  Mostly managed my own fundraising efforts, had good success with writing a personalized email sent to coworkers, friends, and family.
03/29/2024  test
08/07/2024  I thought 180 was a big committment. + registration I wanted my cycling and gravel bike groups to join in this fun. The web site prohibited their involement. some pals joined unregistered. fundraising goals limit FUN raising and community involment.
08/07/2024  User Provided No Response
08/10/2024  I've raised money for various rides in the past, Reach The Beach, OR and MS150, for example. I've also done fundraising for various of my non-profit, volunteer organizations.
09/30/2024  I shared via my phone the URL to denote. No Emails, just via text, that worked well. I did have a friend donate $500 via the Fidelity Charitable fund,, that has yet to show up
09/30/2024  We have been doing this for many years so we have a set list of names that we ask for donations.
08/16/2024  Fundraising is hard because my generation is all struggling financially. It's hard to ask for donations when you're struggling and everyone else you know is struggling.
08/10/2024  I was initially put off as I cringe at the thought of asking people for money (growing up poor made this challenging). I planned to pay the myself but decided to post on fb. I was surprised how easy it was and felt good spreading awareness!
08/10/2024  Have friends who have family members with ALS or who have passed from ALS. They donated.
08/07/2024  I'm terrible at fundraising so only put in my own money.
08/07/2024  User Provided No Response
10/02/2024  Mostly Facebook link
05/06/2024  Last year we organized a relatively large campaign. This year we got late notice and had some conflicts, so not as good an effort.
09/30/2024  I felt like it was hard to fundraise because I don't have a lot of social media presence. I'd love to hear about other ways to donate and some tips. I think there were emails on this but can't remember.
05/14/2024  User Provided No Response
10/01/2024  User Provided No Response
08/11/2024  I used email, Facebook, and personal contact. Educating folks helped persuade them to donate. I kept the topic present, sending reminders and simply talking about the ride. No high pressure sales.
10/02/2024  Getting my company's matching donations processed (as checks sent by mail) seemed to be a very long process, and there was still one check that I believe never got assigned to me as a donation. Steve followed up and kept in communication, tho.
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/13/2024  The entry fee is too high. I know of several people who did not ride because of the cost and heard the same from others at our event. Yes, the goal is to raise significant money. If we can get 200-300+ riders, we'll exceed the $$ goals
05/29/2024  New website was hard to manage, but the staff were very helpful. It would be nice if I could manage more of it myself, as in the past.
10/02/2024  easy- i have several go to's, especially for ALS. A personalized email works best, but a LinkedIn post got a few donors.
08/07/2024  It was fairly easy to fundraise via email through site
08/07/2024  I emailed specific friends and family that I thought would be responsive. Didn't push hard or continue to email after the initial round. I also talked about it with a lot of people, invited them contribute if they were interested