2024 Ride to Defeat ALS - Post Event Survey


User Response

10/02/2024  My only comment is regarding the start of the ride on a hill. I saw 3 people fall on that hill so I believe there should be a safer starting location.
08/14/2024  I think there were two places along the trail it would have been helpful to have an extra sign or two. Also, maybe a sign indicating where the snack/water stops would be (ie, in 5 miles). Loved the route!
05/07/2024  I think we need to reconsider the minimum fundraising requirement. I had several friends that told me that they would love to be a part of the ride but feel that having to pay to ride and fundraise for a disease they have no connection to is a bit much.
09/30/2024  User Provided No Response
05/06/2024  Definitely needed to have spray painted arrows in addition to the signs! Some signs fell over and couldn't be seen. Having spray painted arrows (with different colors for diff routes) would have been useful as a back-up (and is usual practice for rides like this). Rain doesn't wash it away easily, so don't worry about that! Also, the signs at some points had different directions without any designation of which route (the 25K vs. the 100K for example) went with which arrow...next time, signs with diff colors for each route are helpful.
05/29/2024  I would recommend skipping the DJ in the future. He was so loud people sitting next to each other could hardly carry on a conversation. I'd also recommend limiting the number or routes to four. Some routes had a very small number of participants.
10/01/2024  User Provided No Response
10/02/2024  User Provided No Response
05/06/2024  The route signage was severely lacking, especially when the different routes converged. Directional turns need to be spray painted on the road, color code the routes by distance--every other organized ride I've ever done does this. Make gps directions available so they can be downloaded in advance. We got to one intersection and there were three different arrow signs but no clue which distance was supposed to turn where and the police officer didn't know. We missed the first turn at the start of the ride because there was no signage.
08/07/2024  I had friends miss the turn to Cle Plum and continued riding an additional 7 miles. They got too tired to turn around and ended up not directly finishing.
10/01/2024  User Provided No Response
10/02/2024  This is my 5th ride to defeat ALS and this year was great. I really enjoyed the 100k ride this year. I enjoyed the new route with less hills haha
08/10/2024  Overall a very good, well organized event. Strong in team building
10/01/2024  Steve Lopez made a great effort to connect individually with each team. His support and knowledge of the local ALS community made the event more meaningful to me. It was also clear to me that the organizers had a much better knowledge of cycling events than past organizers. Well done!
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
08/05/2024  The single sign for the turn off the Iron Horse Trail to S Cle Elum Way had fallen over, which means I and a co-rider missed the turn and overshot by 5 miles. Tried riding back but two miles later, due to exhaustion, heat, and lack of water we had to call it and were unable to officially finish the race. Left feeling frustrated at the experience instead of excited to have participated. Critical turns like that, especially after 30+ miles when riders are tired, should have larger, more secured signage or a volunteer directing riders.
03/29/2024  test
08/07/2024  signage at the end to town was inadequate. some riders went 5 miles past town. loved the shuttle. I am a signmaker and would be happy to make your signs.
08/10/2024  I was not able to ride due to a recent surgery. . I am wondering how i might receive my bonus gifts (I raised over $1300).
08/07/2024  User Provided No Response
08/11/2024  It was hard to wait over an hour to get back to our cars after eating, especially when you live in Thurston County.
09/30/2024  1. Need to remind people when starting the ALS ride to be in a easy gear as the start is UPHILL in Wayland 2. Need to remind people to stay to the right of the cones on the start 3. When finishing, need to have extend the cones down old county road past Herb Chambers and a sign telling people to cross over to left and ride up inside the cones It was scary how many people either road on the right sde of the road ( as one would ), on to the right of the cones up the left side.. 4. Need to REMIND people of this at the start 5. Have a sign, person out there for the finish on Country Road direct people to go up the left side. 6. Are the numbers relevant. Stuffed in pocket, I guess it does identify a rider.. wondering if there is a better way, perhaps a luggage style tag on bike, etc versus number and pins. 7. Left turns on the most dangerous. And we missed 2, need Left Hand Turn Sign ahead of turn as well as at the turns , and a sign warning on coming traffic of riders.
09/30/2024  The ride route changed for 25 miles. It was extremely hilly and I found very difficult. More difficult than the old route. Given there was not a 10-mile route, it was my only option. I also have a hard time biking in the streets. There was no poop van or cars or volunteers out at the difficult intersections. The drivers were very aggressive. I am committed to helping this organization but will rethink if I can ride next year. I found the event very stressful as a result.
08/16/2024  At the lunch, the music/song choices were all super depressing. We were a group of 7 riders supporting our friend who is actively fighting ALS. He and his husband were there with us, and the depressing music was a downer. Yes, others there had lost someone to ALS. A mixed approach would have been appreciated. Signage turning off the trail was really bad and several in our group missed the turn and got lost.
08/10/2024  User Provided No Response
08/10/2024  User Provided No Response
08/07/2024  I'm did virtual so all the above questions are not worth answering. Your poll should have the selections based on that fact. One reason I did virtual is I've ridden that trail and didn't think it would be fun in a large group setting. It would be best to keep as a paved road/trail activity.
08/07/2024  Two of my friends got lost when a sign was unclear
10/02/2024  Perhaps eliminate a group start and allow a rolling start for groups. Each route could roll when ready within a 15-30 minute time frame. I saw several riders struggle and crash/fall with the little uphill group start.
09/30/2024  I noticed the rest stops for the 100k were right before hills...it was tough to stop and restart like that but other than that everything was amazing re: route, rest stops, etc. This is me being a little spoiled :) to be honest.
09/30/2024  I had a great experience. Not my first year riding so it was an improvement over a few years ago. The route markers were much easier to follow. I'm not a bbq lover so I packed my own lunch for after the event.
05/06/2024  Late notice and some distinct challenges this year.
05/14/2024  User Provided No Response
08/11/2024  Just a few more direction signs, every intersection needs a sign. Think lowest common denominator. It was a bit confusing where the "bike detour" signs where present.
10/02/2024  I did not like the additional requested 'donation' for my husband (non-rider, supporter) to donate to get the lunch.
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
05/13/2024  Website was challenging, lacking biking information. (Gravel routes added very late). Event day was well supported - lots of friendly volunteers! Rest stops were good - friendly volunteers again. Overall experience was great. Lunch was OK; perhaps add a salad option to the pizza; nice to have beer tickets!!
05/29/2024  User Provided No Response
10/02/2024  Great support and vendors at the Start/Finish. One thing we really dislike is the 7am start time. pushing it back even an hour is way better. its still dark on the drive there, and usually cold, which requires extra layers that you have to shed (any carry!) once the sun comes up.
08/07/2024  There was one spot on the route where we were riding on the road and the road went right and the trail went straight and there was no signage to indicate we needed to go straight and not continue on the road
08/07/2024  singage should be closer together and monitored.